Wednesday 1 August 2012

WTF moment in our history

Today (August 1st) is Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day!

What is Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day, you ask? Why, it's only the greatest revolution in modern American history!! It was proposed by Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, through Facebook. It's basically a day event to support Chick-Fil-A's traditional marriage views by eating their food and protesting against gay eating their food.

Sounds ridic, right?

Yes, yes it is. It is the funniest thing I have ever come across. I mean, when you think about it, these people are rallying for traditional marriage by eating fast food?! That just SCREAMS class and sophistication.

Here are some examples of the promotional material the company has produced since it vocally expressed its views on the marriage issue.

I especially like this one. It's actually quite witty. Advertising at its best. I support traditional marriage because it produces babies even when you're not trying to produce babies. YAY.

And here are the Palins.  

And here are all the people who showed up at locations across the USA for Appreciation Day.

Being a Canadian and having only gone to the States a handful of times, I've never actually stepped into a Chick-fil-A. I hadn't even heard about it since this whole controversy reared its ugly head. People keep telling me it's good. But fast food is still fast food. As in, it's unhealthy. And Chick-fil-A is still a company that supports bigotry. Which is also unhealthy.

So really, this can't result in a good thing.

Tip for all you Chick-fil-A type supporters. The next time you want to tell the whole world that you're really a bigot, just do it the traditional way and throw Bibles at people. It sure as hell would be healthier for you than stuffing your face with deep fried shit. Actually, don't throw Bibles at people. Bibles don't deserve that kind of disrespect from you.

This girl right here said it best over tumblr:

Four for you, Kayla. You go, Kayla.

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