Tuesday 31 July 2012

Chicken, anyone?

So guys.

I hate to say this, but Tim Thomas is kind of a douche.

I'm not one to judge people, or dislike people, especially if I don't know them personally. But sometimes, when they're hockey players and sometimes, when they're homophobic, I feel like I kind of have to say something.

And Tim Thomas is both of these things.

He is also the goaltender who took the Stanley Cup away from us two years ago.

But that doesn't really have anything to do with anything, although now I actually have a legitimate reason not to like him.

And that legitimate reason is thus:

Tim Thomas expressed his support for Chick-Fil-A.

You know, the fast food restaurant chain that sells shitty chicken and happens to be openly anti-gay.

Tim Thomas' decision to publicly support Chick-Fil-A is bad on many levels.

1. It's morally wrong to not support basic human rights that everyone holds from the moment they are born (this is up to debate though, because morals look different to different people and basic human rights is a touchy subject sometimes. RE: all of human history).
2. Many of Tim Thomas' teammates are pro-equality.
3. Boston is extremely left-leaning.

Tim Thomas just dug a huge hole for himself. Sure, he has freedom of speech. Sure, he has Facebook to practice his freedom of speech. And sure, him freeing his speech does not necessarily make him a bad person.

I mean, I am sure that he is a perfectly decent human being. He sure as hell is a good hockey player.

I have this dilemma, where I'm not sure whether or not I really dislike homophobes, or if I just feel sorry for them.

For one thing, I know homophobic people that I actually like. As in, they're people I actually care for. And nothing they ever say against queer people would ever change how much I care for them. I like to think that their beliefs are a product of their surroundings and upbringing, and that with time, they'll understand. 

It's definitely not in my place though to force them to think another way. I definitely don't have the right or the power to do that. Whatever you believe or whatever your opinion is on a particular subject, is yours. I may not respect your opinion, but I respect your right to have it. I can say what I think on the subject, but I can't expect everything that I say to change your perspective. It would be mighty shitty and self-centred of me to think that.

In similar news, the Jim Henson company severed ties with Chick-Fil-A for its stance against marriage equality, prompting Pastor Kevin Swanson to say outrageously uneducated things like: 

"A Christian perspective ultimately brought the death penalty upon homosexuality between roughly 350 AD and roughly 1850 or so. For about 1,500 years that form of life had pretty much been eliminated except here and there. Of course, now you have a massive, massive increase in this kind of thing."

It would make for such a better argument if some homophobic people actually knew what the hell they were talking about half the time. It would help their case a lot more. Homosexuality isn't something you bludgeon like an endangered animal and hope it goes extinct. 

Radio host Dave Buehner adds:

"Tolerance only runs one direction—you only can tolerate gays, you can’t tolerate those who don’t support gays."

Yeah. Like I said. Education. Get it. Then come back to me with your argument. Also. Look up "tolerance" in the dictionary. Also. I find it really funny when homophobic people accuse non-homophobic people of not accepting homophobic people. That's just homophobicphobic. And that is wrong. Would somebody please think of the homophobes and all the pain they are going through. 

Like bitch, you just trying to make things complicated, are you? I tolerate you, I just disagree with your views. Just because I don't invite you to my birthday party does not mean I'm beating you up in an alley. I still let you have your views though, don't I? COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SHIT HERE. According to dictionary.com, this is the definition for tolerance:

1. to endure without repugnance; put up with: I can tolerate laziness, but not incompetence.
2. to allow the existence, presence, practice, or act of without prohibition or hindrance; permit.

Me not tolerating you would be me burning your church down or me telling you you can't worship your God or me telling you you're not good enough or me telling you you can't marry your lover because it's not ri - WAIT A SECOND HERE. 

People who are intolerant can't ask for tolerance for their intolerance unless they were being persecuted in the same way that they are doing the persecuting.

And that is not the case in this case, unfortunately. Sorry, Dave Buehner. And even then, they can't really ask for tolerance because it just doesn't look good. Hypocrisy, I mean. Hypocrisy doesn't look good. It doesn't generate sympathy.

It's like saying immigrants to North America are tainting our image, taking away our lands, our livelihood, etc. WELL NO SHIT, NORTH AMERICA.

Also, I can't believe Kevin Swanson is talking about genocide and approving of it, essentially. As a Christian, I don't approve of your attitude, Kevin Swanson. I don't think Jesus ever said kill until there's nothing left, Kevin Swanson. That's what made Hitler one of the most hated people in history, Kevin Swanson. I'll be praying for you, Kevin Swanson.

I don't dislike any of you. I just wish sometimes all the time, that you were more the image of the saviour that you claim to follow. 

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