Saturday 21 July 2012

Summer Music Series: Summer Fling

This is a special edition of Summer Music Series entitled Summer Fling, brought to you by none other than k.d. lang's "Summer Fling"

We've all been through it before. Those hot summer days that are so boring you end up  eye-fucking every breathing person in the vicinity just to stimulate a brain that's been over-stimulated by a school year filled with academics and useless examinations. You get where I'm going here.

Here are 9 other songs that define the phases of a summer fling:

The "I think you're kind of hot, are you single/available/easy/flexible?" phase

"Call Me Maybe" by Carly Rae Jepsen

The "do you like me, check yes/no/maybe" phase

"Surfer Girl" by The Beach Boys

The "all I want to do is sleep with you" phase

"Kiss You Inside Out" by Hedley

The "I don't give a fuck, I'm just gonna fall in love with you" phase

"Friday I'm In Love" by The Cure

The "oh shit, I may actually be in actual love with you" phase

"The Best Thing" by Relient K

The "it's mid-August, let's just finish this and move on" phase

"Summer Is Over" by Jon McLaughlin & Sara Bareilles

The "break-up" phase

"Summertime Sadness" by Lana Del Rey

The "I hate summer, I wish this never happened" phase

"Cruel Summer" by Bananarama

The "let's look back at how stupid we were" phase

"Summer Nights" performed by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John

Summer affairs tend to happen quickly and almost never tend to last. They're like allergies, a seasonal disorder ignited by high humidity, the smell of sunscreen and the sound of flip flops on the sidewalk. Once the tan fades and the sand gets washed out of your hair, it's over. 

The question arises, "Do we fall in love during the summer? Or do we simply fall in love with summer?"

Whatever it is, summer affairs can be confusing ordeals that leave us face down drunk on the road crying about a person that we really couldn't care less about. Only it's summer, the one season where everything matters yet nothing matters. And we wake up in the autumn feeling like we've aged a decade, and summer is but a distant hangover. 

That's the great thing about summer. Once those 2-ish months are over, there's another season just around the corner.

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