Sunday 11 March 2012

How to deal with forearm obsession

Today was east v.s. west sports day!!! The Vancouver Whitecaps played the Montréal Impact in Major League Soccer, and the Vancouver Canucks played the Montréal Canadiens in the National Hockey League. Both my cities got their wins too, with the Whitecaps defeating the Impact 2-nil and the Canadiens kicking Canuck ass 4-1. I feel like I should be drinking more to celebrate. Today was like walking into a sushi bar and getting a two for one deal plus a free miso soup or something. 

Yes, I am one of those perverted hockey fans who loves to see her favourite team get the shit kicked out of them by her other favourite team. It's like Inception. It doesn't make any sense but it's entertaining all the same.

You know what else is entertaining? This:

I've watched this clip about a billion times and I still don't understand how Sophie Schmidt just falls flat on her face like that. I mean, use those arms, girl, you've got really great arms.

I'm a huge fan of forearms on women. I'm a huge fan of other things too, but for the sake of staying on topic, forearms are where it's at. I think I first discovered my thing for forearms when I was at a concert at the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver. I was standing at the back of the crowd, and this girl I had never met pushed me to the front so that I ended up smack in front of the musician JD Samson. I don't remember much of the rest of the night, but I do remember spending most of it staring at JD Samson's forearms. That was when I realized that I may have a problem.

Schmidt's forearms are right up there with JD Samson's. She's the kind of person you dream of one day hugging because you just know that her limbs would make the experience really enjoyable.

I have this Dutch friend who hugs like a total pro. She did one yesterday where she came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck and just stood there, completely motionless. It was such a long hug that I basically took a nap on her forearms. It felt really fucking nice. 

I don't remember the point of this post now at all. I swear there was a moral to all of this. Hmm, I guess all I really want to say is that having a forearm fetish isn't something to be ashamed of. Just don't tell people you have one, or else they will think you to be extremely odd. And don't blog about it either, because shit on the Internet spreads like wildfire and pretty soon people will feel bad for you and give you sympathy hugs even though they suck at it. 

You don't want to set yourself up for uncomfortable situations that can easily be avoided by simply not admitting to forearm envy.

And until you meet Sophie Schmidt in person, hug as many people as you can. You never know, it could change someone's life for the better.

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