Wednesday 25 April 2012

Oh, America.

Today, I came across the most abhorrent article I have read in a long time:


So I don't really watch NFL football, and I don't really know Tim Tebow, except for the fact that I know people who know him....but that aside, I frankly don't really care. I heard that he prays in the middle of games and has Bible verses written on his face - but to be honest, I've been going to church for so long that stuff like that doesn't even phase me. I know that he's a football player who gets lucky sometimes, and that he became a huge star because of it. Other than that, I'm pretty much MEH when it comes to anything football, so I don't really have an opinion when it comes to him either.

But the way that this AshleyMadison website is using him is pissing me right off.

This is what is wrong with American media, and western culture in general. THEY ARE SO FUCKING OBSESSED WITH THE CONCEPT OF VIRGINITY AND SEX.

And yes, I call virginity a concept. Yes, I am one of those annoying weirdos who thinks that virginity is a social construct. It's a test by which we judge a woman's purity and a man's masculinity.

Everyone is obsessed with a woman's virginity because we are a society that sees women as objects owned by men. Women are to remain virgins until marriage because they belong to their husband and their husband only. Their worth (and marriages were once business transactions) is therefore in their virginity, which is defined by an intact membrane. Remember people, an INTACT MEMBRANE is the source of a woman's worth. THIS IS WHAT WE ARE OBSESSED OVER.

Everyone is obsessed with a man's virginity because we are a society that sees men as pursuers whose power lies in their sex. Men are expected to want to sleep around constantly with multiple partners - because remember, evolution dictated it that way. If men are not sleeping around, or if they are virgins, then they are not taking control of their masculinity. They are being feeble, they are not owning up to their identity. In other words, ALL MEN MUST BE HAVING SEX ALL THE TIME. Or else they are not real men.

I am one of those who thinks that sex is sex is sex. Your body is your body is your body. In other words, I don't fucking care what you do. You can be a virgin, you can not. You can call it virginity, you can not. It doesn't really matter. I have no business judging you on what you do. Everyone has a choice, and who am I - who are all of us, to make that choice for an individual?

I think the American media's obsession with Tim Tebow's sex life is completely inappropriate, disgusting and disrespectful. He is a grown man, he can make whatever decisions he wants to make. You can call him a slave to his own religion, you can call him gay, you can call him a joke. But what it all comes down to is an individual living his life the way he wants to. And who are we to say that he's deprived? Or that he's not living life to the fullest? Or that he's not taking good enough advantage of his fame and money?


Good Lord, we are living in an increasingly secular society that looks down on religious people that push their religion on others. Yet, this secular society is doing just that to Tim Tebow - pushing their views on him as if he needs to see the light that is groupies and girlfriends and lots and lots of lapdances.

Think about it though, what's wrong about a professional male athlete (or anyone, for that matter) choosing to abstain from sex? Does it kill animals? Does it cause earthquakes? Does it really affect any of us in a negative way?

The answer is, quite simply, no.

So why is it that the American media is turning it into the biggest deal in the world? Are we that deprived of news stories? Of entertainment? Do we need to make fun of somebody else's choices because we're too pathetic to intellectually stimulate ourselves in other ways?

It may not have been the best idea for Tim Tebow to announce his abstinence to the world, and people might say that he brought it on himself. But really, famous people talk about their sex lives all the time to the media, and they're not publicly shunned, so why should he be? Why do we need to talk about Tebow as if we are somehow above him? Sure, he's not the best football player, but technically, he's still a better player than most of us. He's in a career that he enjoys, and he does charity work. Most of all, he's a human being and we are all human beings so the answer is no, none of us are better than he is. 

I personally think that there's something significant about going against the status quo, of saying yeah, I do what I want when I want and fuck you all. I don't care for football but I admire that aspect of him.

I think that the American media needs to realize that there is more to this world than sex, and to get over it. It's been around since the dawn of life, it's really not that revolutionary. Sure, it's an awesome subject to talk about it in general, but when it comes down to talking about it in relation to an individual's lifestyle, it's just creepy and pervy to me.

So, America, please just give it up. It wasn't funny in the beginning, and it isn't funny now. Be more creative with your news stories. 

AshleyMadison, you can take that $1 million and shove it up your ass. Or better yet, use it to feed an entire third world country. God knows that would go to much better use than getting Tim Tebow laid.

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